FR8002 IAR80-A 1/32

Since Monday, new models have been packed into our packaging plant. In addition to the first CASA C-212-100 1/72 (SH72344), which we are going to sell on November 25th, this is another model we have prepared for Azur-Frrom. The IAR80-A on the 1/32 scale builds on the previous IAR81C, but the hull and wing are new. Others are, of course, camouflage. All production goes to France, with the traditional exception of 100 models that we offer on the domestic market. Home Prime Minister will have a model for his home 🙂 Bratislava Winter.
For the IAR, we have prepared in the series Quick & Easy detailed EARLY and MID resin wheels , differing in the type of tire. (we are also preparing the LATE version, but it will be more useful for model SH32068 IAR81C).










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