trumpeter 1/350 French Navy Joan of Arc helicopter carrier 2008 05635

product description:
Product Number    05635
product name    French Navy Jeanne d’Arc helicopter carrier 2008
Barcode    9580208056357
Product proportion    1:350
product type    Plastic Model Warship Kit
Model size    Length: 520.2mm   Beam: 72.3mm  
Total number of parts    490+
metal parts    anchor chain
Etched parts    4 pcs
Film    n/a
Resin parts    n/a
Total number of offset plates    22 sprues , decks , hull and stand
Publication Date    2024-05
More description     Detailed Hull is a one piece part
– Detailed decks
-Extensive photo-etched details included
-Helicopter includes:
 HAS-3 *2, ALOUETTE *2 , GAZELLE *2,EH101 *2

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