trumpeter-china new kit 1/350 USS Intrepid aircraft carrier CV-11 05618

Product number    05618
product name    U.S. Navy Intrepid aircraft carrier CV-11
Bar code    9580208056180
Product ratio    1:350
product type    Plastic Model Warship Kit
Model size    Length: 781.8mm Beam: 187.6mm  
Total number of parts    780+
Metal parts    n/a
Etched parts    6 pcs
Film    n/a
Resin parts    n/a
Total number of offsets    31 sprues, hull, decks and stand
Announced date    2020-12
More description    -Detailed flight deck and hangar deck
-Positionable aircraft elevators
-Extensive photo-etched details included
-Aircraft Wing includes:
   A-1 Skyraiders, A-4 Skyhawks, F-8 Crusaders and UH-2 Sea Sprite helicopters
-Complete ship and aircraft decal

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