trumpeter-china new kit 1/35 “Black Panther” air defense tank (equipped with Flak36/37 88mm gun) 09531

Product number    09531
product name    “Black Panther” air defense tank (equipped with Flak36/37 88mm gun)
Bar code    9580208095318
Product ratio    1:35
product type    Plastic Model Armor Kit
Model size    Length: 231.1mm Width: 93.8mm  
Total number of parts    1100+
Metal parts    copper cable
Etched parts    2 pcs
Film    n/a
Resin parts    n/a
Total number of offsets    19 sprues, lower hull and upper hull
Announced date    2020-12
More description    The kit consists of over 1100 parts
>the kit w/refined detail
>multi-slide moulded lower hull
>individual tracks
>photo etched parts included

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