trumpeter 1/16 00947 Germany III Assault Gun Type G Late Model (2 in 1)

product description:
The Sturmgeschütz III was the most produced armored fighting vehicle in Germany during World War II . It was built on the chassis of the Panzer III . The Germans originally intended it as a mobile armored light artillery for infantry support. After continuous improvement and refinement, it was finally transformed into a tank destroyer in 1942 . Until the end of the war, Germany produced a total of 10,500 Stug IIIs .

product number 00947
product name Germany III Assault Gun Type G Late Model (2 in 1)
barcode 9580208009476
Product ratio 1:16
product type Plastic Model Armor Kit
model size Length: 420.5mm Width: 204.6mm
total number of parts 1470+
metal parts copper cable
etched parts 1 piece
film n/a
resin parts n/a
Total number of offset plates 49 sprues , lower hull , tracks and armor skirts
Announcement date 2022-12
more description The kit consists of over 1470 parts

the kit w/refined detail
multi-slide moulded lower hull and upper hull
individual tracks links
Photo-eteched parts included

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