Abrams Squad
Dioramag Vol.12 – Race to the Reichstag

ISBN: 978-84-124788-2-2

96 pages

paper back


4.- “Race to the Reichstag” by Johan Søltoft

14.- NEWS

14.- SHOWCASE DIORAMAG: Radek Pituch

20.- MIG-25“Laid to Rest” by Mirco Marcato

38.- “Back to the Eastern Front” by Javier Soler

50.- SHOWCASE DIORAMAG: Roman Lappat

58.- “Turn Around and Don’t Look Back” by Lechu Villanueva

70.- “Sicily 1943 ” by Giovanni Lombardo

80.- “The Factory Post-Apocalyptic” by Vincenzo Lanna

92.- SEASONS Part 3: Summer, Aron Vrbovszki

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