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OK, lest talk about our new 1/72 projects – KV-4, Kreslavsky’s proposal

It have the potential to be very nice looking model, and during design process I plan to share with you some inside why we do features the way we did. But first I want to share with you my opinion about the real project. And it is extremely bad. Why? Well lest start:
– driver and radio man (A and B) are separated from the rest of the crew, they sit alone on each since of the transmission and the engine (C) separate them from commander and the rest. So in event of “shit hit the fan” they are goners, because no one can help them to evacuate, also if communication fail commander do not have physical contact with the driver to guide him (usually this contact is kick in the back…or head). Giving the fact that crew is the most expensive part of the tank, and for such big and heavy vehicle the driver in particular, it is very very bad to leave them there.
– when we are still at the front, the engine and especially transmission are very difficult to maintain, plus they will generate a lot of heat for the lone crew members at the front…
– lets go to the rear where the radiators are paced. In order to reach them the coolant must pass the fighting compartment, and no matter how insulated the pipes are, they will heat it , and make it “pleasant place to work. These also will heat the shells which is not good because affect their performance, not as much as in the navy big guns, but still unpleasant. Plus if something hit the fan and rupture those pipes, it will be “oooo mama”.
So I don’t like it.


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